Optimize Your Best Resource
There are always projects that you don't have the time or maybe even the right skills to pursue...
Lets partner together to add business value through your greatest asset, your people.

Functionality You Will Love
Hiring & Onboarding
Authenticity & Efficiency
Effective and impactful hiring and onboarding are vital to any business!
Let's look at the process and the employee's experience from the time they apply through the end of their first year.
Let's make the most of our online learning as well as in-person time.
Employee Engagement & Retention
Motivation & Belonging
The data shows time and again how important it is to keep your employees engaged both for performance and retention. Learn not only how to keep those amazing people you hired, but how to keep them engaged and thriving!
Managing Change
Offboarding an employee can be a stressful time because of emotion, workload, and the impact of change. Let me help set up a process for you so that, whenever possible, that employee moves on as an advocate and partner for your organization's future.
Performance Reviews
Deliver timely, effective feedback
Unfortunately, everyone's been scarred by evaluations done poorly... or not at all.
Let me help reimagine your processes and bring your employees an experience they'll actually look forward to! And you can watch engagement grow!
Change Management
Policies & Procedures
Drive Impactful Change
Set Clear Expectations
Even small changes to the workplace, processes, or team can have big impacts. Be proactive and set your team up for success by managing the change. Change management is one of the most often forgotten aspects of the workplace, but it is a game changer!
No one likes to write them... but everyone appreciates being able to easily find and search your organization's policies & procedures to answer questions or help make business decisions.
Let me help bring your outdated procedures current so they are a resource instead of a reminder of your long to-do list.
Let's Get Started!
30 min
50 US dollars1 hr
85 US dollars1 hr
50 US dollars1 hr
85 US dollars1 hr
60 US dollars